Bagan Luxury travel
Mrauk U was the capital of Rakhine State from the 15th to the 18th centuries, a major cosmopolitan city which to this day retains traces of its halcyon days. Inside the old city walls are countless abandoned temples, there are ruins in every field and more on top of every hill. In this site on the banks of the Aungdat Chaung River, three kingdoms had their capitals, but today there is just a charming, sleepy town with friendly, easy-going people. As you tour the deserted religious shrines, farmers stop to wonder at the sight of a foreign visitor: very few make the long yet rewarding journey here.
The most impressive ruins are of Shittaung and Kothaung, but if you have time you can also visit the ancient city of Wethali and the original site of the famous Mahu Muni Buddha image, now displayed in Mandalay. A worthwhile visit further afield is a boat journey along the Lay Mro River stopping off at several traditional Chin villages.

As well as being invited into the local schools, you will have the chance to meet the Chin families who live here, and see the tribe’s history portrayed on the intricately tattooed faces of female elders.